Suite 1234, 12 Royal Vista Way NW, Calgary, AB, T3R-0N2
Tel: 403-241-3772
Fax: 403-241-3846

Massage Therapy
Benefiting from Massage at Kinetic Health
Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) are health care professionals committed to restoring and maintaining optimal health and pain-free function of the body.
Massage Therapy is an effective approach to pain management and rehabilitation.
Our therapists are educated and trained to accurately assess and treat with techniques that include massage and manual therapy, rehabilitative exercises such as stretching, strengthening, postural exercise, and patient education.
RMTs are effective in treating and providing relief for a wide range of conditions such as migraine headaches, tendonitis, arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, as well as many other common conditions related to soft tissue and joint dysfunction.


Frequently Asked Questions about Massage
Q: Why should I have a Massage?
A: With massage you will experience relief from chronic muscular tension and pain, have increased joint flexibility, and feel a reduction of mental and physical fatigue and stress. Massage is a way to do something for yourself that pays off in both physical and emotional dividends
Q: I’m slightly uncomfortable with the idea of a stranger touching me.
A: Some first-time clients are apprehensive about the personal nature of massage, but generally lose any apprehensions within the first few minutes. Our therapists are highly trained professionals who will do their utmost to make you comfortable.
Q: Do I have to take off all of my clothes?
A: Your personal comfort during a massage is the key to its effectiveness. Remove only the clothing you’re comfortable removing.
Traditional full-body massage techniques are more effective when they aren’t administered through the barrier of clothing, but you will be fully draped during the entire session with no compromise of your modesty. Only the area being worked will be uncovered. Before and after the session, you will dress and undress in private.
Q: What parts of my body will be massaged?
A: Our therapists will ask you about any problems you’re experiencing and about any chronic medical conditions. Tell the therapist what you want to get out of the session to help them determine which areas of your body need work. A typical full-body session includes work on your back, arms, legs, feet, hands, head, neck, and shoulders.
Q: How will I feel after the massage?
A: Most people feel very relaxed, and often experience freedom from long-term aches and pains developed from tension or repetitive activity. The deep relaxation may leave your body slightly tired, but this feeling passes quickly and you will then notice increased energy, heightened awareness, and greater productivity that can last for days.
Q: Should I expect muscle soreness following a massage?
A: Some people, particularly clients who are new to massage or those who request deep-tissue work, experience mildly sore muscles after a massage. The soreness passes in a day or two, leaving you feeling much looser and relaxed.
Drink plenty of water after a massage to help flush out released toxins and minimize resultant discomfort.
Q: Can I give a massage as a gift?
A: Absolutely! A therapeutic massage is a wonderful gift and a great way to show someone special how much you care.
Massage Therapy for the Relief of Stress
Massage has proven to be highly successful for the treatment and relief of stress, and stress related symptoms. In today’s busy world, massage is an ideal way to take a break, relax, and enjoy the human touch! Just look at what some of these research studies have shown:
Young psychiatric patients who underwent massage therapy had lower stress hormone levels, better sleep patterns and less anxiety. (Field, 1995)
Massage therapy resulted in lower anxiety and stress among children with conditions such as autism and children who were victims of physical and sexual abuse. (Field, 1995)
Female patients suffering from chronic tension headaches who received 10 massage therapy treatments in two-and-a-half weeks experienced a significant long-term improvement of their headaches and moods. (Puusjarvi et al, 1990)
Massage therapy promoted relaxation among patients between 56 to 96 years of age and reduced blood pressure. (Fakouri and Jones, 1987)

Massage Therapy During Pregnancy
Massage during pregnancy is therapeutic bodywork which focuses on the special needs of the mother-to-be as her body goes through the dramatic changes of the childbirth experience. The second and third trimesters are wonderful times to begin prenatal massage.Most pregnant women feel discomfort and added stress on their bodies at various points in their pregnancies. This is why more and more pregnant women are discovering and benefiting from the art of prenatal massage.Touch is vital to the mother’s physical and emotional well-being as she adapts to her new body image. In a study conducted by Dr. Tiffany Field at the University of Miami School of Medicine, they found that massage actually reduces stress hormones in the body.
Women who received massage therapy during childbirth reported less pain and anxiety.
(Field et al, 1997)
Caution: Do not have massage during pregnancy if you have:
Abdominal pain
Any malignant condition
Contagious illness
Heavy discharge (watery or bloody)
High blood pressure
Morning sickness
Unusual pain
Massage Therapy for Infants
Brain development in a infant is directly influenced by the amount of tactile stimulation it receives during its first year. Skin stimulation is known to speed the process of myelination of the brain and nervous system therefore improving brain-body communication and enhancing neural-cell firing.Massage provides both stress and relaxation for an infant, both being components of optimum learning conditions.In additions, some infants sleep for longer periods following massage and appear to have longer periods of deep sleep. This is always a bonus for sleep-deprived parents.Infant massage also teaches infants that touch is a good form of communication, enhances the parent-child bonding process, increases the baby’s body awareness, and best of all, strengthens the baby’s immune system.
Infant massage provides many benefits to the parent,and to the child
For Baby:
Improves body awareness.
Improves muscle tone.
Improves sleeping patterns.
Increases the sense of being loved and accepted.
Reduces discomfort from colic, gas, and constipation.
Releases stress.
Stimulates circulation.
Stimulates right/left brain.
Development and coordination.
Strengthens digestive, circulatory, and intestinal systems.
For Parents, infant massage:
Provides quality bonding time.
Increases communication between baby and parent.
Improves relaxation and reduces stress.
Premature babies who received daily massages gained 47 per cent more weight and went home an average of six days sooner than those who did not receive massage therapy. The early return home saved about $3,000 (US) per infant in hospital costs. (Field et al, 1986)Did you know:
Cocaine-exposed premature babies who received massage therapy gained 28 per cent more weight and developed significantly faster.
(Wheeden et al, 1993)

Disease and Massage Therapy
Massage can have a positive healing effect on many diseases and conditions. There are several good reasons for this, such as the fact that massage therapy helps move lymph fluid around the body and oxygenate organs and tissues. Plus, there’s probably something very healthy in the fact that the all important human touch is taking place.
Just look at these examples:
Children with rheumatoid arthritis who were given massage therapy treatments had much greater reduction in pain than those involved in progressive muscle relaxation therapy. (Field et al, 1997)
People with asthma who received weekly 15 minute massage therapy treatments reported reduced chest tightness, wheezing, physical pain and fatigue. (Munson and Yekyal, 1995)
Patients with cancer who received massage therapy experienced less pain, improved mobility and less swelling. (Wilkinson, 1996)
Young girls suffering from bulimia had lower depression scores, lower stress hormone levels and improved attitudes about eating and their bodies following 10 massage therapy treatments over five weeks. (Field et al, 1997)
Massage therapy had positive effects on the immune systems and stress levels of people with HIV. (Field, 1996)

Expect & Receive The Best Possible Care
At Kinetic Health, we are proud of our high success rate in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions and are even happier about the high level of patient satisfaction that we regularly achieve.
Our comprehensive examination processes, ability to integrate multiple and effective treatment modalities, and our customized treatment and exercise plans ensure that every patient receives a high quality of care that addresses their specific needs.
We have great working relationships with the medical community across the city. You can expect your medical practitioner to receive clear summations of our examination findings with follow-up letters about our treatment results. This collaboration ensures your needs are met effectively.
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