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Our Amazing Fascia!

Dr. Brian Abelson

Updated: Aug 22, 2024

A Woman Stretching in Motion

The human body's complexity and self-regulating nature often eclipse our most advanced technologies, a fact not always captured in traditional anatomy education. Medical training tends to isolate body parts rather than teaching them as interconnected systems, simplifying for educational ease. However, in over 20 years of treating musculoskeletal issues, I've learned to see the body as a cohesive unit, especially through understanding the myofascial system, the body's kinetic web, and the principle of tensegrity.

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The Myofascial System

The term 'myofascial' combines 'myo,' which pertains to muscle, and 'fascia,' the connective tissue that pervades the entire human body. Fascia is ubiquitous, weaving through and connecting every element of the body. It forms a continuous web of connective tissue that links, supports, and integrates tendons, organs, muscles, tissues, and bones.

To truly comprehend our interconnectedness, we must first grasp the significance of fascia. Recent discoveries over the past few decades have revealed that fascia plays a crucial role beyond merely acting as padding around muscles and organs. It is intimately involved in the regulation of movement patterns and neurological control mechanisms throughout the body. Fascia is a vital component of a comprehensive signalling system. Intriguingly, research has shown that fascia contains numerous neurological receptors, even more so than muscle tissue. This is particularly remarkable, especially considering that most physicians do not take into account the critical role fascia plays.

Fascial Dissection of the Elbow

Consider the image to the right, which showcases a dissection of the elbow (proximal lateral elbow region). What sets this dissection apart is that the muscles are removed from the body, leaving the fascia intact. The strands you see illustrate the convergence of connective tissue, linking all structures surrounding the lateral elbow (lateral epicondyle).

This example demonstrates how the convergence of multiple strands of connective tissue can form a cohesive functional matrix. If we were to employ the same dissection technique in other areas of the body (such as shoulders, hips, and knees), we would find a strikingly similar pattern: multiple strands of connective tissue in perfect continuity, with no discernible separation from each other.

Traditional anatomical illustrations bear little resemblance to this reality. The anatomist's scalpel often removes all fascia, leaving the impression of isolated muscles, each performing their individual actions. In this sense, conventional anatomy is more of an oversimplified fantasy than an accurate representation.


Runners Lower Legs

Muscle Contraction - A Holistic Perspective

Traditional anatomy and biomechanics textbooks teach us that motion is generated by muscle contractions. Muscles have tendons at each end that attach directly to bones. When a muscle contracts, both ends (origin and insertion) are pulled towards each other, creating movement.

While this explanation is accurate to some extent, it oversimplifies the true nature of what occurs within the body. By incorporating an understanding of fascia, we can develop a more comprehensive perspective on how the body executes its actions. This broader view can help us address complex musculoskeletal conditions more effectively.

First, it is important to consider that muscle fibers originate from and insert into the surrounding fascial fibers and the bone. These fascial fibers, in turn, attach to multiple regions of other bones and even adjacent muscles. These additional points of contact grant muscles the capacity to generate force in multiple directions, resulting in a three-dimensional model of movement.

Discovering these numerous points of fascial attachment, all operating across three dimensions, revolutionized my comprehension of muscle action biomechanics. It also offered me a more functional understanding of muscle contraction. Now, when I examine and analyze muscle contractions, I recognize that only specific portions of the muscle contract to perform an action rather than the entire muscle.

Weight Lifter

In reality, groups of muscles often collaborate as functional units to execute any given action. For instance, some muscles may serve as primary movers (agonists) for a specific movement, while others act as antagonists; others function as synergists or stabilizers. Fascia is the vital component that enables these muscles to operate collectively as functional units, assisting in coordinating their actions across multiple joints.

The degree of motion and the amount of force required determine which specific areas of each muscle will contract rather than the entire muscle. These highly precise movements are largely coordinated by the neurological receptors embedded within the fascia and are not solely controlled by the brain.


Dancers in Motion

The Fascial Web

Your body consists of an extraordinary series of kinetically connected systems that store and release substantial amounts of energy without injury when functioning efficiently.

In essence, each body operates as a single, large, three-dimensional Kinetic Web in which force or tension from one area directly impacts multiple structures in both local and distant regions.

The Kinetic Web can be conceptualized as a linked series of kinetic chains. Each kinetic chain comprises individual links (various components of your musculoskeletal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems) connected to each other to form a three-dimensional Kinetic Web. When changes occur in one area of your body, cascading effects take place throughout the entire body, affecting multiple structures in your kinetic web.

Any weak link in this chain creates its own set of issues and generates problems and compensations elsewhere in the body. For instance, when a structure in your hip, groin, or pelvis is injured or restricted, it cannot effectively carry out normal functions such as walking, climbing stairs, or engaging in intimate activities with your partner.

Kinetic Lines

Kinetic Lines (whole-body fascial interconnections) are actual physical structures that have been mapped out and dissected. These tangible structures connect our bodies together. Researchers and clinicians, including Thomas Myers (Anatomy Trains) and Luigi, Carla, and Antonio Stecco (Fascial Manipulation), have spent decades investigating these interconnections.

Consider these Kinetic Lines as vectors for force transmission; they are not just connections but also continuous lines of tension. In Thomas Myers' case, he has identified seven primary lines of fascial connection throughout the body. These include the (Images below from Anatomy Trains):

Anatomy Trains Fascial Lines

  • Superficial Back Line (SBL).

  • Superficial Front Line (SFL).

  • Lateral Line (LL).

  • Spiral Line (SL).

  • Arm Lines.

  • Functional Lines.

  • Deep Front Line (DFL).

Many standard anatomy texts are just starting to acknowledge the importance of these connections.


Tensegrity - Tension And Integrity

Tensegrity is a crucial concept in understanding your body as an interconnected kinetic web. It is a structural principle that defines the integrity of a structure based on the balance of tensional forces rather than solely on its compressive nature.

A bit of history: The term 'Tensegrity' gained popularity in the 1960s, thanks to neo-futuristic architect Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller (1895-1983). Fuller coined this term while examining the innovative sculptures of Kenneth Snelson. Snelson's sculptures consist of both flexible and rigid components. Instead of 'tensegrity,' Snelson uses the term 'floating compression' to describe his sculptures.

1967 World's Fair Biosphere

The geodesic dome is an excellent example of an architectural structure that employs the concepts of tensegrity. Due to its design, the geodesic dome is incredibly stable, as all the pressure is distributed throughout the framework. I recall my sense of awe and wonder when I first saw a geodesic dome as a child at the 1967 World's Fair in Montreal (The Biosphere). Even then, I and many others knew we were witnessing something exceptional!

In terms of how tensegrity relates to the human body, I will reference an analogy used by Thomas Myers of Anatomy Trains. Conventional anatomical perspectives teach that our skeleton provides a robust, stable framework to support the various soft tissue structures attached to it. This concept of 'continuous compression' is where the body's osseous structure offers structural integrity.

This same concept is used in building skyscrapers, where each layer of the building supports the next layer and is built on a solid foundation of stability (a Linear Model). The issue with applying this concept to the human body is that it represents a static model (not reality). While "continuous compression" works well in building construction, it fails to explain the structural integrity of dynamic human bodies in constant motion.

Sailing Ship

Consider this: without the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissue, the framework (our skeleton) would simply collapse. Thomas Meyers uses the analogy of a sailboat to describe this concept. He compares the mast of the boat to our skeletal system and its rigging to our myofascial system. When the wind catches the sail of a boat, it directs an incredible force into the mast, yet the mast does not topple down because of the tensional balance of its rigging.

When one side of the rigging becomes tight and contracted, the rigging on the other side of the boat becomes loose and flexible. This continues until the wind changes and the sail starts pushing in another direction, requiring the line of tension to shift to the other side. This illustrates a dynamic system where a rigid structure (the mast) can exhibit dynamic qualities due to its tensional system (its rigging).

Similarly, our skeletal system maintains its integrity thanks to the balance of tensional forces provided by our myofascial system. We can run, jump, move, contort our bodies into countless positions, and return to a state of balance, all because of this concept of tensegrity.


Tensegrity & Injury Resolution

Hands Compressing a Ball

Understanding the interconnectedness of our body is tremendously helpful in resolving even chronic injuries. Consider this analogy:

Think about how a soft, pliable ball reacts to compressive forces. An interesting phenomenon occurs when we take a ball about seven inches in diameter (like the ones used for myofascial release of the abdomen) and compress it with our hands.

As we grasp the ball and squeeze firmly, the area being squeezed contracts while the rest of the ball expands. If we then use a mechanical device to apply even more pressure until the ball bursts, we would find that the rupture occurs at the weakest part of the material. Intriguingly, the point of rupture is often located far from the point of applied force.

The same thing happens in the human body. Previous injuries, muscle imbalances, lack of exercise, mental stress (anxiety), poor nutrition, and various other factors create weak links in your body's kinetic chain. These are areas where the body is most vulnerable to injury. When increased stress is applied to the body, the entire body tries to compensate. If the weakest link cannot withstand this additional stress, an injury occurs at that point.

This tells us that we need to consider the areas where the body has developed weak links and the non-symptomatic areas that are creating this increased stress. Often, these are areas where the patient (or doctor) may not even realize there is a problem.


Abstract Fascial Body

Conclusion - Our Amazing Fascia

In conclusion, understanding the human body as an interconnected, dynamic system is crucial for addressing and resolving complex musculoskeletal issues. By recognizing the significance of the myofascial system, the kinetic web, and the concept of tensegrity, we can develop a more holistic approach to treating injuries and restoring optimal function. This perspective allows us to identify and address the weak links in the kinetic chain and the non-symptomatic areas that contribute to increased stress on the body.

As we continue to explore the intricate relationships between the various components of our bodies, we will be better equipped to develop innovative treatment methods and promote a more comprehensive understanding of human anatomy. By shifting our focus from isolated parts to an integrated system, we can empower healthcare professionals, patients, and individuals to maintain and improve their overall health and well-being.

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Photo of Dr. Brian Abelson

With over 30 years of clinical experience and a track record of treating more than 25,000 patients, Dr. Abelson developed the Motion Specific Release (MSR) Treatment Systems to provide powerful and effective solutions for musculoskeletal issues.

As an internationally best-selling author, he is passionate about sharing knowledge and techniques that can benefit the broader healthcare community. A perpetual student, Dr. Abelson continually integrates cutting-edge methods into the MSR programs, with a strong emphasis on multidisciplinary and patient-centered care.

Beyond his professional life, Dr. Abelson is a dedicated husband and father of two. He and his wife share a deep love for international travel, immersing themselves in different cultures, music, and the joy of connecting with people around the world. An Ironman triathlete and marathon runner for over 30 years, he is also a committed environmentalist with a passion for human rights. His practice, Kinetic Health, is based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.



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