An ankle sprain, which involves the tearing of ligaments in the ankle, accounts for approximately 40% of all athletic injuries. Even more surprising is that 40% of those who suffer an ankle sprain experience recurring symptoms, making it a persistent issue for many athletes. Understanding the impact and prevention of ankle sprains is crucial not only for athletes but for anyone looking to maintain an active lifestyle and avoid long-term complications.
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Inversion sprains, which affect the outside (lateral side) of the ankle, account for 85% of all ankle sprains and are particularly common among runners. On the other hand, medial ankle sprains, affecting the inside of the ankle, are less frequent and usually stem from fractures or other traumatic incidents.
When an ankle injury is severe, inadequate treatment and rehabilitation can hinder complete healing, leading to reduced stability. This instability can result in chronic ankle pain, recurrent sprains, imbalanced gait, osteoarthritis, and a persistent pattern of dysfunction. Proper care and rehabilitation are crucial to restoring full function and preventing long-term complications.

The prevalence of inversion sprains can be attributed to the uneven anatomy of the ankle. The bone on the lower outside of the ankle (lateral malleolus - distal fibula) extends further down than the bone on the inside (medial malleolus – fibula), providing greater stability to the inside (medial side) of the ankle compared to the outside (lateral side).
While many ankle sprains appear to heal completely without rehabilitation, they are actually more susceptible to future injury if not properly treated. Recent research shows that individuals with a history of recurrent ankle sprains exhibit decreased muscle-firing activity in the ankle, knee, and hip during tasks, a condition known as Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition (AMI). This indicates that the effects of an ankle sprain are not confined to the injured area but can impact the entire leg, highlighting the importance of comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation.

ligamentous Anatomy
The lateral (outside) part of the ankle gains stability from three ligaments: the Anterior Talofibular Ligament (ATFL), the Calcaneofibular Ligament (CFL), and the Posterior Talofibular Ligament (PTFL).
During an inversion sprain, when the ankle turns inward, the ATFL is most commonly injured. The ATFL connects the talus bone in the ankle to the fibula and prevents forward displacement of the talus. The CFL, which links the heel bone (calcaneus) to the fibula, can also be damaged in severe sprains. It is stronger than the ATFL and less prone to injury.
Movements where the foot is pointed down (plantar flexed) and rolled out (inverted) can harm both the ATFL and CFL, leading to significant ankle instability. The PTFL, the strongest lateral ligament, is rarely injured except in cases of complete ankle dislocation.
High Ankle Sprains, involving the syndesmotic ligament complex between the tibia and fibula, are becoming more common. This serious injury may require surgical intervention.

The Kinetic Chain
Ankle sprains can result in damage to various structures, such as connective tissues, tendons, muscles, and nerves. A comprehensive understanding of these injuries, commonly seen in lateral ankle sprains and high ankle sprains, is essential for effective treatment and prevention of future sprains.
Tendons: In inversion sprains, the Peroneal Tendon is often injured, and during recovery, it may be displaced from its normal position, a condition known as subluxation. It's crucial to address this issue during the recovery stage of an ankle sprain to promote proper healing.
Muscles: Peroneus Brevis and Peroneus Longus are two muscles frequently involved in ankle sprains. Longitudinal tears of the Peroneus Brevis are commonly associated with lateral ankle sprains, while the Peroneus Longus may exhibit altered activation patterns due to muscle restrictions that form after ankle instability. If not addressed, these restrictions could predispose individuals to recurrent injuries. Both muscles function to evert the foot at the tarsal joint and plantar-flex the foot at the ankle.
Retinaculum: The retinaculum is a band of connective tissue that secures the peroneal tendons in place. A tear in the retinaculum can cause a snapping sensation in the lateral ankle. Severe retinaculum tears might not be suitable for standard manual therapy and may require surgical intervention.
Understanding the complexities of these injuries allows for the development of a comprehensive, effective treatment plan for ankle sprains. This facilitates faster recovery and reduces the risk of future sprains.

Ankle and Foot Examinations
Ankle and foot examinations play a vital role in diagnosing and managing injuries like ankle sprains. A comprehensive assessment includes orthopedic, neurological, and vascular tests, each focusing on different aspects of the injury.
Orthopedic tests evaluate bones, muscles, and ligaments, identifying specific areas of concern. Neurological tests ensure nerve function is intact, while vascular examinations check blood circulation, crucial for healing.
We've included demonstration videos to help you better understand these examination procedures, emphasizing their importance in effectively addressing ankle sprains and related conditions.
Effective Ankle and Foot Examination This video uses an orthopaedic test to evaluate some of the most common ankle and foot conditions we see in clinical practice. These conditions include: Ankle Sprains (inversion sprain), Cuboid Syndrome, Talar Dome Lesions, 5th Metatarsal Fracture, Syndesmosis damage, Achilles Tendon Tendinopathy, Morton's Neuroma, 2nd Metatarsal Stress Fracture, Plantar Fasciitis, and Bunions.
Lower Limb Neuro Examination
The lower limb neurological examination is part of the overall neurological examination process and assesses the motor and sensory neurons that supply the lower limbs. This assessment helps detect any impairment of the nervous system and is used both as a screening and an investigative tool.
Peripheral Vascular Examination - Key Points
A peripheral vascular examination is valuable for ruling out signs of vascular-related pathology. The detection and subsequent treatment of PVD can potentially mitigate cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications. In this video, we review some common procedures we perform in daily clinical practice.
Managing An Ankle Sprain
The Initial Phase
Your priority right after an ankle sprain should be to minimize swelling in the area. Swift initiation of treatment often leads to a quicker recovery. Addressing the injury promptly can result in a relatively short healing period, while neglecting it may prolong your discomfort.
Therefore, in the immediate aftermath of the sprain - during the initial phase - remember to follow the RICE protocol: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation!

Rest: In the initial stage, it might be necessary to completely offload the injured ankle, often using crutches. However, I believe it's essential to reintroduce weight-bearing as soon as feasible to expedite healing. The careful reintroduction of weight-bearing stress can potentially shorten recovery time. The right time to do this? As soon as you can, but without rushing! Remember, rest is equally important.
Ice: Applying ice for 20 to 30 minutes, 4 to 5 times daily can help reduce swelling. Generally, we advise against icing beyond 72 hours post-injury.
Compression: Compression, typically achieved with an ACE wrap, helps mitigate swelling and bleeding. If you have a Grade 3 sprain, a brace should be worn continuously until you can bear weight on your ankle.
Elevation: Raising the injured area can further reduce swelling and bleeding.
After implementing the "RICE" protocol, it's crucial to reintroduce motion to the ankle as soon as possible. Depending on the severity of the injury, the patient might be advised to perform gentle ankle circles or, if capable, to 'write' the alphabet with their feet. Gentle calf stretching and using a stationary bicycle could also be beneficial.
Ankle Exercises - Acute Injury
Here are examples of ankle mobilization exercises after an ankle injury. These exercises often combine with RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. These exercises are only for the acute stage of injury to increase fluid exchange and get rid of waste by-products.
Manual Therapy For Ankle Sprains
Manual therapy, including Motion Specific Release (MSR), is crucial for healing and preventing ankle sprains. It accelerates healing by improving blood flow, oxygenation, and nutrient delivery to the injury, crucial for ligaments with poor blood supply. MSR, a diverse treatment system, addresses soft tissue and joint issues through various techniques, offering personalized, holistic care.
Upcoming videos demonstrate MSR's application in ankle sprain recovery, showcasing the significant benefits of manual therapy and MSR's role in enhancing recovery and preventing future sprains.
Rehab Ankle Sprains - Treatment
Treatment runs from the time stamp 01:00 - 6:15. Without appropriate treatment and rehabilitation, a severely injured ankle may not fully heal and could lose its stability. This loss of stability could, in turn, result in chronic ankle pain, recurrent sprains, gait imbalances, osteoarthritis, and a path of ongoing dysfunction. In this video, Dr. Brian Abelson and Miki Burton RMT show you effective ways of addressing this common condition.

MSR - 7 Point Ankle & Foot Mobilization
Improving joint mobility is critical for effectively addressing the body's full kinetic chain. In fact, addressing joint mobility restrictions greatly reduces the effectiveness of any myofascial treatment.
Nerves and Ankle Sprains
Nerves can also be affected during an ankle sprain, particularly in the case of lateral ankle sprains (inversion sprains). Addressing nerve-related issues is vital for successful treatment and recovery.
Superficial Peroneal Nerve: This nerve is at risk for traction injury during a lateral ankle sprain. Specific MSR (Motion Specific Release) procedures are designed to release the peroneal nerve if it is involved in the injury. Proper treatment of this nerve injury can aid in a more effective recovery process.

Peroneal Nerve Release: Peroneal nerve injuries are the most common peripheral nerve injury in the lower extremity. Most of these injuries occur in the fibular head region (common peroneal nerve). MSR procedures may be employed to address such injuries, focusing on releasing the peroneal nerve to improve function and promote healing. Click on the Video to see MSR procedures demonstrating peroneal nerve release techniques.

Exercises for Ankle Sprains
Once a lateral ankle sprain's acute stage has subsided, initiating a rehabilitation program is critical. This program should involve three key components: enhancing flexibility and mobility, strengthening the affected muscles, and honing balance and proprioception. Each of these aspects plays a crucial role in a successful recovery and the prevention of future injuries.
Flexibility and Mobility: Regaining range of motion and flexibility in the ankle is paramount to restoring normal function. This may involve specific stretching exercises tailored to your individual needs and the severity of your injury.
Strengthening: Building strength in the muscles surrounding the ankle aids in providing support and stability to the joint. These exercises can be customized to your unique circumstances and will be crucial in preventing recurring sprains.
Balance and Proprioception Training: This element of rehabilitation is essential to retrain the body's sense of position and movement (proprioception), which can be disrupted after an ankle sprain. Balance exercises help restore this awareness, reducing the risk of future injuries.
While the following exercises are potential components of a rehabilitation program, it's important to note that the exact regimen will be specifically tailored to each individual and the severity of their injury.
Rehab Ankle Sprains - Exercise and Treatment
Without appropriate treatment and rehabilitation, a severely injured ankle may not fully heal and could lose its stability. This loss of stability could, in turn, result in chronic ankle pain, recurrent sprains, gait imbalances, osteoarthritis, and a path of ongoing dysfunction. In this video, Dr. Brian Abelson and Miki Burton RMT show you effective ways of addressing this common condition. (Exercises start at Time Code 08:45)

Improve Your Balance - Exercises for Beginners
Balancing exercises are essential components of Rehabilitation and Sports Performance training. They should not be overlooked, as they can enhance one's ability to stabilize the body during functional movements. Incorporating simple balance exercises into a progressive training program can improve balance and prevent injuries.
Improve Your Balance - Advanced Exercise
Balance exercises can benefit people of any age. They improve one's ability to control and stabilize one's body's position, reducing injury risk, rehabilitating current injuries, and increasing sports performance. This exercise routine should only be performed after doing the beginner series for several weeks.

Rehabbing Ankle Sprains Conclusion
Recovering from an ankle sprain involves understanding the injury, managing its acute stage, and following a structured rehabilitation plan. A holistic approach is essential, incorporating the RICE protocol immediately after the injury, seeking professional therapies like Motion Specific Release (MSR) when needed, and following a rehab program that enhances flexibility, strength, and balance.
Recognize that your body's parts are interconnected. While focusing on the ankle, also pay attention to the surrounding areas, as their health impacts overall recovery.
Recovery might seem lengthy, but with patience and the correct methods, you can regain your ankle's health and prevent future injuries, returning to your active life. Always consult healthcare professionals for tailored treatment, considering the severity of the sprain, your health, and your lifestyle. The ultimate aim is not just healing but building a stronger, more resilient body for future challenges.
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With over 30 years of clinical experience and a track record of treating more than 25,000 patients, Dr. Abelson developed the Motion Specific Release (MSR) Treatment Systems to provide powerful and effective solutions for musculoskeletal issues.
As an internationally best-selling author, he is passionate about sharing knowledge and techniques that can benefit the broader healthcare community. A perpetual student, Dr. Abelson continually integrates cutting-edge methods into the MSR programs, with a strong emphasis on multidisciplinary and patient-centered care.
Beyond his professional life, Dr. Abelson is a dedicated husband and father of two. He and his wife share a deep love for international travel, immersing themselves in different cultures, music, and the joy of connecting with people around the world. An Ironman triathlete and marathon runner for over 30 years, he is also a committed environmentalist with a passion for human rights. His practice, Kinetic Health, is based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.